Log in to coursesIf your client needs you to resolve their tax problems, such as their unfiled or unpaid income taxes, how confident are you that you can represent them extremely well? How much experience do you have?
If you utilize established processes and best practices of tax resolution, you can be much more confident you’ll serve your clients’ needs. That’s why you need our tax resolution guide. While many tax preparers may understand basic concepts related to tax resolution and even dabble in it from time to time, many fail to understand the complexities and nuances of representation. In this area, what you don’t know can hurt you and your client. This basic tax resolution boot camp will help remedy weaknesses you may have in your understanding of what tax resolution really is, the background and current landscape, as well as possible lucrative areas of tax representation.
We will go through:
If you have always wanted to learn tax resolution skills and take your practice to the next level, this course is definitely for you! You could become successful in the lucrative and satisfying work of solving clients’ tax problems after taking this tax resolution training.
Need some more help? Canopy’s practice management software can help you and your team work better together and manage your client’s work efficiently.
Enroll now in Intro to Tax Resolution Course - Part 1!
[[item.credit_type.map(x => x.name).join(", ").replace(/, ([^,]+)$/, " & $1")]] | [[item.credits]] [[item.credits === 1 ? "Hour" : "Hours"]]
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