Canopy Esignatures


eSignature Software

One accounting solution, unlimited eSignatures.

Simple and unlimited document signing

No ink or postage required.

Consistent UX

User-friendly signature experiences

Enjoy seamless, user-friendly document interaction, for happier professionals and clients.

Optimize Workflows

Optimize workflows

Gather eSignatures through the Client Portal or with secure (some would say "magic") links to improve efficiency and save time.

Security Compliance

Ensure security & compliance

With Signer Verification (KBA) and secure links, ensure heightened security and compliance in  data-sensitive situations.

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Integrated eSignature

Client signatures are a built-in part of accounting, which is why they’re also a (literally) built-in part of Canopy’s Document Management Software.

Save time and maintain consistency by leveraging Canopy eSignature templates. Create predefined templates for common documents, allowing users to quickly eSign online by applying standard signatures to streamline the document signing process.

Conveniently obtain secure eSignatures via the Client Portal or using a secure link, ensuring a user-friendly experience while maintaining robust security measures. 

Collect eSignatures from multiple signers at a time. Enhance efficiency by enabling the signing process for documents that require input and approval from multiple parties. 

Easily create eSignatures with Canopy’s user-friendly interface. Build and place eSignatures in documents, ensuring a seamless and intuitive experience for users and signers alike. 

Easily collect eSignatures on proposals and engagements that you send to prospects and clients. This can help expedite the acceptance process and foster a more efficient workflow in engaging clients with your services. 

Ensure signature security with an added layer of authenticity through Knowledge-Based Authentication (KBA). This feature verifies signer identity, enhancing the integrity and reliability of eSignatures with Canopy’s Document Management module. Please see our pricing page for specific details for this feature.


Unlimited eSignatures

Enjoy an unlimited number of eSignatures with every Document Management license. This can help your firm scale and adapt to whatever volume and capacity of signatures you need to collect. It also eliminates the need for a separate electronic signing solution and empowers users with flexibility in obtaining digital signatures.

“What I love most about Canopy is the ease of use and how quick it is to communicate back and forth with our tax agent. She can easily upload a file that I need to review or sign.”

Connie S.

/ Canopy User