Log in to coursesThis course is Part 2 of a comprehensive 3-part series intended to help you understand and become savvy with the IRS Offer in Compromise program. This course goes in depth with more considerations when weighing the pros and cons of submitting an OIC for a client and detailed information regarding the calculation of the RCP (Reasonable Collection Potential) that guides the OIC acceptance.
We will cover the standards that exist for national, regional, and local areas, and how to determine these amounts, as well as tips in writing better offers. This course is meant to fill in the details from the Basic Overview course and give you the confidence to write your own offers in compromise, knowing they will stand a greater chance of acceptance simply by following the techniques outlined.
[[item.credit_type.map(x => x.name).join(", ").replace(/, ([^,]+)$/, " & $1")]] | [[item.credits]] [[item.credits === 1 ? "Hour" : "Hours"]]
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