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Jan 4, 2017 3 min read

The Best Way to Quickly Find [Good] Tax Articles

As a busy tax professional with limited free time, you need to have a few go-to tax writers you know will deliver the information you need.

The Best Way to Quickly Find [Good] Tax Articles

You know that keeping up with the ever-changing tax landscape is an important part of being a successful tax pro. But who has time to stumble around the internet, hoping to randomly come across tax articles that are both insightful and timely? Especially during tax season—when you barely have time to eat, let alone browse through search results—you need to have a few go-to tax writers you know will deliver the information you need.

Here’s our list of three tax pros who we think deliver consistently excellent tax articles.

Ashlea Ebeling

Twitter: @ashleaebeling

Who she is:

Ashlea is a finance writer for Forbes, who covers a variety of topics ranging from financial planning and investing, to (of course) taxes. She often writes her finance and tax articles in a tips and tricks, or how-to style—such as “IRAs Gone Wild: How To Invest In Private Equity, Real Estate, Gold,”—so you’ll almost always find actionable information in Ashlea’s articles.

You should follow Ashlea if:

You’re looking for quick, actionable articles.

Want to learn from Ashlea right now? Try starting with Foolproof Foundations: How To Stay On The Right Side Of The IRS

Bill Bischoff

Who he is:

Bill is “The Tax Guy” for MarketWatch, writing almost exclusively on tax matters. Bill’s informational articles aren’t exactly light reading, but they’re great if you’re looking for more technical tax articles. Bill covers a wide variety of tax topics, detailing tax issues in relation to everything from marriage to commuting.

You should follow Bill if:

You like tax articles that get into the nitty gritty.

Ready to bask in Bill’s wisdom? Try starting with Small Business Owners Need to Make These Tax Moves Now

Janet Novack

Twitter: @janetnovack

Who she is:

If you like your tax talk sprinkled with a healthy dose of politics, you need to be reading Janet Novak.A finance writer for Forbes, she covers all things money, especially as they relate to politics—a combination that inevitably leads her into the realm of taxes on a regular basis.

You should follow Janet if:

You want to get your dose of money and politics in one shot.

Dive into Janet’s writing by starting with Will President Trump Cut Medicare and Social Security As Well As Taxes?


Looking for more quick ways to stay on top of the latest in the tax world? Read about how to get news from the IRS delivered directly to your email inbox.

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