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Jan 4, 2022 2 min read

Compare Transcript Versions Easily Through Canopy

New to Canopy in December is comparing transcript versions easily. Read more about these product updates here.

Compare Transcript Versions Easily Through Canopy

Compare transcript versions

What’s new: Canopy’s award-winning transcript tool has helped make life easier for accountants by saving all transcripts into one place, and helping circumvent the need to use the finicky IRS website—which can be a tedious process. With Canopy, you get a history of every transcript you’ve pulled all in one place. Now, if transcripts have been pulled multiple times for a client, you will see the option to compare transcript versions. 

How it works: When compared, indications will be added to the pulled documents to highlight what differences exist between selected versions. Canopy makes it easy to quickly scan for changes across transcript versions. If you want to regularly make sure no changes have been made, you can set up an automatic scheduler to pull transcripts every two weeks, monthly or whenever works for you. Plus, you can sign up for notifications that will tell you when there is a new version of a transcript available, letting you know when something has been changed between transcripts. 

Why it matters: Whether you’re doing a background check before signing on a new client or working a tax resolution case with a current client, pulling and comparing transcripts can be a painstaking process. Depending on how many years of transcripts you have on file, you’re left with hundreds of pages of documents you now have to sort through manually. With Canopy, all of these transcripts are saved in one place and you no longer have to guess if something changed or where the change was made—comparing versions does that for you.    

Where to find it: Tax Resolution Module

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