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Mar 4, 2024 2 min read

eSignature Templates

To enhance your experience and help you save time, we've introduced eSignature templates on Canopy.

eSignature Templates

What's new:

To enhance your experience and help you save time, we've introduced eSignature templates on Canopy. These templates enable you to easily add signature, initial, and date fields to frequently used documents, streamlining the process of preparing documents for signing.

You now have the flexibility to create custom templates or take advantage of our curated collection in the Canopy library. We're committed to enriching this collection by adding more preset templates over time. 


Why it matters:

Securing the necessary signatures on documents is a critical step in delivering services and ensuring payment for any firm. Canopy’s eSignature templates significantly simplify this process for commonly needed documents. For instance, if your firm frequently handles 8879 forms that require signatures, instead of manually positioning the signature and date fields for each document, you can utilize the eSignature template to expedite the process.

eSignature templates prove invaluable for any volume of documents needing signatures, particularly when dealing with numerous instances of the same document requiring consistent placement of signature fields. This feature aims to streamline the signature preparation process for anyone in your firm tasked with this responsibility, enhancing efficiency and accuracy.


How it works:

As previously mentioned, you have the option to craft your own eSignature template or take advantage of the preset templates offered by Canopy. To do this, simply go to the Templates tab in the left navigation menu and choose eSign. On the following screen, you'll have the opportunity to create a new template or select one of the presets. Whether you opt for a custom design or a preset option, these templates will be readily accessible for applying an eSignature to a document. 


Where to find it:

From March 1st to April 29th, 2024, users will have the ability to opt in or out of this new feature. After April 29th, 2024, it will become a permanent feature inside of Canopy. To opt in, navigate to one of your clients in the client list. Once a client is selected, click the “Files” tab on their  

Managing eSignature templates in Canopy will require having a license for Canopy’s Document Management module. 


Get started: 

Learn more details about how to manage eSignature templates in Canopy.

Updated eSign Flow: Opt-In Until 4/29


Jonathan is a Product Marketing Manager at Canopy.


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