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Mar 28, 2022 7 min read

4 Ways to Take the Stress Out of Tax Season

We know tax season is a hard time of year for accountants. Learn how to take the stress out of tax season with these 4 simple tips.

4 Ways to Take the Stress Out of Tax Season

Taking the stress out of tax season comes down to having a good plan and efficient tools. Coming up with the right plan and tools might cause more stress. So, we have made it easy for you to de-stress during this busy season! Here are 4 ways to take the stress out of the tax season. 

Stress relieving tips

1. Yoga 

In a national survey, it was found that 85% of people who did yoga reported it helped them to relieve stress. Believe it or not, there are types of yoga for everyone!  For those with health issues, mindful yoga or Hatha yoga would be a good fit. These types of yoga focus more on your breathing than your physical capabilities. If you’re looking for something more unique, goat yoga or hot yoga would be more your speed. Goat yoga is exactly what it sounds like, it is a yoga class that has baby goats roaming around and typically jumping on or playing around you. This yoga gives you the therapeutic treatment of interacting with animals as well as the peace of yoga. 

If you’re more active, then hot yoga would be the one for you. This type of yoga is done in a room with a temperature set between 80-105℉. It is meant to increase your heart rate and relax your muscles. Which yoga style fits you best?




 2. Mindfulness Apps 

Something active might not be your cup of tea, but finding time to focus on your mental state and relax might be your de-stressor. Mindfulness apps are an easy way to get into a different mindset and take a break. It might be overwhelming to know which one you should use, as there is a large amount. Here are the three recommended free apps:


      • Insightful Timer
        This app offers a slew of meditation content from different traditions and teachers. You’ll have enough content to last your lifetime!

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      • Smiling Mind
        This app provides an organized structure of different programs but gives the flexibility of where to start and to jump between the programs!

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      • UCLA Mindful
        This app features a variety of types of meditation. They also provide meditations in English and Spanish 

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3. Visit a puppy store or animal shelter

Do you love animals? If so, a little animal therapy might be just what you need. The human-pet interaction has been shown to help improve a person’s emotional standing. What better way to get this interaction than by spending some time with some adorable puppies? If you’re not into puppies, then visiting a local animal shelter could get you the same human-pet interaction that could help your stress.




4. Release your inner child

Research has shown that play is one of the most powerful stress-relievers we can use. What better way to play than by releasing your inner child! Some of those activities might include swinging on a swing or flying a kite. Your inner child could also be found in playing with little gadgets or toys. Take a look at these top gadgets/toys on Amazon: 


      • Pop It!
        A Pop It! is a reusable, fancy bubble wrap. It provides great sensory interaction as you enjoy popping something over and over. 
      • Shape-Shifting Box
        This specific shape-shifting box is an award-winning fidget box. You can form it into over 70 different shapes! It fits comfortably in your hands and is great for challenging your mind while creating satisfying shapes. 
      • Zen Garden
        There are many different varieties of a zen garden, but the desktop version is a perfect way to embrace relaxation. This mini therapeutic playground can indulge your imagination while you create designs in the sand. 

These are just some of the many different ways to relieve stress. Did you do one of these and have a fun story? Do you have any other recommendations that work exceptionally well for you? Let us know in the comments below!

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Dominique Boud is a content marketing specialist at Canopy.

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