Product Updates

Added Automation in Canopy Continues to Save You Time

What's new: We know that automation can help you save time and reduce human errors. This latest release has expanded the areas within Canopy that you can add automation rules to....

10/25/22 LEARN MORE
Comments & @Mentions Improve Internal Communication

10/25/22 LEARN MORE
Enjoy Working on Documents More with New File Previewer Enhancements

What's new: For Canopy users with a Document Management module license, working on PDF files is going to get a lot better. We’ve implemented a number of enhancements that will...

9/27/22 LEARN MORE
Product Update: Mobile Document Interaction Enhancements

9/21/22 LEARN MORE
Get eSignatures Faster with Canopy Secure Links

What's new: You’ll be thrilled to know that Canopy users with a license to the Document Management module can now share an eSignature request to users with or without a client...

9/07/22 LEARN MORE
Seamlessly Link Time Entries to Any Invoice

What's new: We’re pleased to share that recording time on invoices is now more flexible and easier to manage. Users with a license to the Time & Billing module can now associate...

8/31/22 LEARN MORE
Save More Time with Canopy’s Automated Workflow Templates

What's new: Recently we released the ability to automate tasks, subtasks, and client requests as subtasks within the Canopy Workflow module. We’re excited to share that you can...

8/26/22 LEARN MORE
Get More with Canopy’s QuickBooks Online Integration Enhancements

What's new: With Canopy, you can now sync more valuable fields and information from QuickBooks Online (QBO):

8/18/22 LEARN MORE
Save Time with Canopy Invoice Reminders

What's new: We’re excited to share that Canopy users—with a Time & Billing license—now have access to set up invoice reminders to send to their clients. No more manually following...

7/26/22 LEARN MORE
Simplify File Management With Canopy’s Virtual Drive

What's new: Canopy users with a Document Management license will now have access to download the Canopy Virtual Drive powered by ODrive. This new feature will give users access to...

7/22/22 LEARN MORE
Workflow Automation Now Available For Tasks & Subtasks

What's new: With Canopy’s Workflow module, you can now save time and reduce the mental load that goes into your work by automating specific rules related to your tasks and...

7/19/22 LEARN MORE
Account for Multiple Rates Per User with Canopy

What's new: Firms now have the ability to assign multiple rates to an invoice based on who in the firm performed the work and what kind of work was accomplished. For instance,...

7/12/22 LEARN MORE
Processing Retainer Payments Within Canopy is Seamless

What’s new: An update to Canopy’s Time & Billing Module allows users the option to process payments that are not associated with an invoice, which would allow practitioners to...

6/30/22 LEARN MORE
Update: Improved Task Dashboard Experience in the Practitioner App

What's new: We’ve made the task dashboard much easier to use. With our recent additions of task priority and assignee photos, you’ll also notice a more friendly and clean look....

6/17/22 LEARN MORE
View and Edit Task Priorities in Canopy's Practitioner App

What's new: Check out what’s new in the latest Canopy Mobile App 1.17.0 release. From the mobile app, you can now view and edit task priorities in the following locations:

5/23/22 LEARN MORE

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